So, you get your new EyeMed insurance card in the mail and you look through the list of doctors you can see. Target Optical is at the top of the list but you think to yourself, “Target?! I did not even know that they had an optical.”
Many people think of Target as a place that they shop and hang out on a rainy Saturday afternoon. You can add one thing to your shopping list when you head to Target next time. The optical at Target follows the same more for less modo that you find when you shop. With brands like RayBan, Oakley, and Coach the selection will blow your mind.
The eye exam experience at Caruso Eye Care within Target Optical is easy and streamlined with the advanced technology. Paperwork can be done online and all of our equipment is automated. We are able to see the entire back part of the eye without the need for eye drops. Our goal at Caruso Eye Care is to provide a comprehensive, convenient exam and help you see with the best glasses and contacts.
Next time you are at Target, stop on by and check us out! You may even decide to book your appointment online at targetoptical.com or call us at 561-649-9898. We look forward to helping you see!